Click on a picture to either go to a web version or download an untested, possibly broken build!
Trickster was a final project for a class about Pacific Northwest Coastal Stories. It's a twine game depicting the beginning of the universe.
SchoolPG is ostensibly about my experience with the American education system. It's inspired by old-school RPGs. It was created in under 48 hours.
Psychosis is a game about being a person who can switch between personalities escaping from an asylum.
Psychosis received a Silver Key (top 15% in the nation) in the Scholastic Arts and Writing Competition, Video Game category.
The Random Maze Game
The Random Maze Game is a rough attempt at something vaguely 3-dimensional. It's hosted on Daniel Seabra's site for the time-being.
Orion Empire Card Generation Tool
For the past few years, I've been part of a group designing a space card game. To assist
in card creation, I wrote this tool which uses XML specifications to help us build and generate
For the past few years, the Coralville Public Library has had a jeopardy event during the summer
reading program. To assist in this event, I wrote a program that's essentially a jeopardy clone.
Invasion is a prototype where I tried to combine tower defense, space invaders, and tile matching.
Ultimately, I decided that the reasons why people play each type of game are inherently contradictory.
The hectic rush of offense against impending waves, like space invaders, does not gel with the strategy
and defense that a tower defense game garners.
Spaceship Simulator
This is a prototype for the a now-shelved space game I worked briefly on with Daniel Seabra and
Paul Yon. The prototype has mostly working doors, crew AI, hydroponics, airflow, vacuums of
space, and storage for oranges. It may also run in a very huge window.
Procedural Dungeon
This is a prototype for procedural dungeons I made for a class in 2012. There are procedurally generated spells littered around
a large cave system, and monsters that don't hurt you for you to test them on.
© 2013-2015